School: Kenowa Hills High School
What and where was your previous job? Principal, Belding High School
Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in psychology, Lake Superior State University; Master of Arts in secondary education, administrative certification, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Other positions you have held in education (title, school, district, state): Athletic director, Belding High School
How about jobs outside education? Head men’s basketball coach, Emory University; head men’s basketball coach, Colorado College

Besides getting to know the staff and families, what are you most looking forward to as principal here? Kenowa Hills is an incredibly progressive district educationally. I am looking forward to being a part of the school community that is doing some amazing things.
What kind of kid were you at the age of students at this new school? Very interested in basketball and music (still am) …
Spouse/children: Wife, Janice; son, Brendan, senior at Albion College; daughter, Cassidy, senior at Belding High School
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, playing blues guitar, working out, working on my hoops game
What inspires you, both in your educational role and in your own life? Having the opportunity to hopefully have an impact on people who need direction, whether it is students or adults. I love people and having the opportunity to interact with them.
What would people be surprised to learn about you? I have a tendency to run into celebrities, including meeting B.B. King backstage. I am also a published author, with two articles on blues musicians in the Journal of American Folklore.
Tell us about a non-professional book you recommend and why: “Off Magazine Street” chronicles the story of a brilliant man’s fall from grace, but also shows that he still has a love for fellow humans. It is set in a seedy part of New Orleans and you can almost smell the salty air and crayfish, and hear the music in the streets.