Sponsor School News Network

Become a sponsor. Make a difference in Education. Demonstrate your support for our local public schools in a highly visible way — on the hundreds of pages of SNN. This community journalism initiative — the first of its kind — is exclusively devoted to telling the stories of our schools. Real stories about real students, teachers and the “little miracles” that happen everyday in their classrooms.

You can sponsor a topic you care about, highlight rockstar teachers or student leaders, lend your name to a district page, even connect to our audience with your key messages. And as a Sustaining Sponsor, you’ll be represented on every page site-wide — with hundreds of thousands of page views. Your support — as an individual, organization or business — is crucial to sustaining this window into your public schools.

Want to add your voice to ours? Email us at snn@kentisd.org or call us at 616-364-1333 for more information.