During the high school Showcase, senior José Vicario showed his mother, Jovita Vicario, what he’s been working on at school.
He explained the importance of a T-shirt he painted, in sociology class, which says “Use Your Heart to Change the World,” to spread awareness of domestic abuse. He showed her a video he made in film-making class and brochures for students on opening bank accounts that he made in accounting.

Mom was eager to learn about what José was up to. “I’m really happy to be able to see what he does in school. I’m more aware of what he’s doing,” Jovita said in Spanish, translated by José.
The showcase, held for a third year, is an alternative to traditional parent-teacher conference.
“We are trying to connect with parents in a different way,” said English Language teacher Susan Faulk.
The high school opened its classroom doors to show parents student projects, from inventions in physics class to poems in English. Several area organizations and businesses, including Kent District Library, after-school program The DOCK and the local Spanish-speaking radio station hosted tables to advertise and promote services.
José said he enjoyed showing his mother around. “It’s really cool and important for them to see what we do in class.”