Godwin Heights seniors Donta Sanders and Damien Bell peeled the skin off green Granny Smith apples in long strips. They later assembled the tart apple slices, sweetened up with sugar and cinnamon, into pies.
“I’ve never made a pie before. It’s a cool experience to make pies with my friends,” said Damien.

Art teacher Deanne Basse led the after-school apple pie-making extravaganza with about 40 ninth- through 12th graders, explaining how to measure, peel and criss-cross strips of dough into lattice to top their pies.
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It was the second year for the pre-Thanksgiving event with the mission of sending students home with pies.
“Not a lot of the kids have a lot of experience in cooking,” said Basse, who loves to bake. “This is a way they can contribute to their families.”
Bill Shafer, high school director of information services, donated more than 300 apples, and other staff members chipped in with supplies as well.
Students left with ready-to-pack pies, but it was questionable whether the pastries would last until Thanksgiving.
“I’m eating it today,” Donta said. “My mom will give me a hand.”