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New role merges remote learning, instructional technology

Meet Your Administrator: David Emeott

KentwoodDavid Emeott is the new director of remote learning and instructional technology at Kentwood Public Schools. SNN gets to know him in this edition of Meet Your Administrators.

David Emeott is the new director of remote learning and instructional technology

What does this brand-new position with the district entail? Emmeot currently oversees some 175 remote students, seven full-time teachers and many more support staff. “Remote learning is much more than turning on a program, and a strong support system is important,” he said. 

“As the director of instructional technology, this integrates well with virtual learning but is much more expansive. It is our goal to increase the role of technology in the classroom for both teachers and students. One initiative will be to expand our STEM curriculum and make sure all of our students have a strong background in this area.”

What trends are you seeing in the area of virtual learning? “COVID has certainly accelerated the number of students who are learning remotely, but there has been a steady growth in this category for the past decade. When the district went remote in March 2020, we could see the need for an expanded role of online education. It was a natural fit for me as I had already been working in this field.

“The future will soon be the present. It is our goal to prepare our students to meet the technological needs of the workplace and beyond.”

“The future will soon be the present. It is our goal to prepare our students to meet the technological needs of the workplace and beyond.”

— David Emeott, director of remote learning and instructional technology

Other positions you have held in education:

  • High school math teacher for Kentwood Public Schools
  • Lead teacher for Kentwood International Virtual Academy the past seven years

How about jobs outside education? Emeott was a gas attendant in  Bridgeport, Michigan, and a lifeguard in Saginaw.

Education/degrees: Emeott holds a bachelor’s degree in secondary education with a major in math and minor in physical education from Central Michigan University.

Spouse/children: Heather Emeott, wife of 23 years. Children Colton, 20, a sophomore at Nebraska University; Macey, 17, a senior at East Kentwood; and Reece, 14, an eighth-grader at Pinewood Middle School.

Hobbies/Interests: “I coach track and field at East Kentwood High School.”

What kind of kid were you as a student?  “I was a very active kid who probably gave teachers fits. I hope my teachers realize how much I learned from them and have grown to respect them over the years.” 

The biggest lesson you have learned from students is… “Students want structure and discipline.”

If I could go back to school I would go to grade… “I would go to grade 10. In grade 10, I met a teacher/coach who truly saved my life. Doug Frank was a math teacher/track coach who graduated from CMU many years earlier. I would later become a math teacher/track coach from CMU, no coincidences.”

“Remote learning is much more than turning on a program, and a strong support system is important.”

— David Emeott, director of remote learning and instructional technology
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Erin Albanese
Erin Albanese
Erin Albanese is managing editor and reporter, covering Kentwood, Lowell and Wyoming. She was one of the original SNN staff writers, helping launch the site in 2013, and enjoys fulfilling the mission of sharing the stories of public education. She has worked as a journalist in the Grand Rapids area since 2000. A graduate of Central Michigan University, she has written for The Grand Rapids Press, Advance Newspapers, On-the-Town Magazine and Group Tour Media. Read Erin's full bio


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