Kelloggsville — Famous.
That’s what Jayce Garman thinks she’ll be as her hands are painted white, ready for pressing onto black paper. Her prints soon surround a gold star with her name in the middle, signifying her move from second to third grade.
Garman and fellow second graders in Ashley McKeeby’s class decorated “Walk of Fame” posters to be hung in the school’s hallway.
The students will carry the posters on their last day of school, June 2, as they move on from Southeast Kelloggsville Elementary School to third grade at Central Kelloggsville Elementary School.
This is the second consecutive year this project is taking place, McKeeby said.
“They kind of liked being the leaders going out,” McKeeby said of last year’s students who helped lead the march out of Southeast Kelloggsville Elementary School as the rest of the students and teachers watched.
“This is so cool,” said Cornelius Edwards as he pressed his hands onto the black paper with help from McKeeby. “It tickles a little.”
Excitement filled the class as each student’s hands were printed.
They’ll be learning new things such as long division and multiplication at their new school, McKeeby said.
The students also toured their new school recently to find out more about their future surroundings.

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