Kent City — A fifth-grader’s artistic prowess has not only won him statewide accolades, but will also benefit his classmates at Kent City Elementary.
Hasan Harwick recently was named one of 50 winners of the Meemic Foundation’s Masterpieces Art Contest. He entered the contest by drawing a comic about school supplies that showed what it is like to be a good friend, featuring a pencil character and its pal, the eraser.

“It was no surprise to me that Hasan won this contest, since it was the perfect combination of two things Hasan does best: creating art and being a great friend,” said his teacher, Allison O’Connell. “Hasan is not only an amazing artist, but a leader who spreads kindness throughout (the school).”
Besides winning his very own reusable writing tablet, Hasan also earned $500 for his school.
“Since Hasan is such a responsible student, I am actually following his lead on what he would like to use the money for,” O’Connell said.
A member of KCE’s new Art Club, Hasan asked that some of the prize funds be spent on art supplies, such as polymer clay and alcohol markers, so that his classmates can try out new mediums and techniques. He also decided to use a portion of the money to buy the fifth-graders matching shirts for their end-of-year celebration.
“I am so proud of Hasan and I can’t wait to see what he will continue to accomplish with his great work ethic and dedication,” his teacher said.
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