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Why I sub…

As many are learning from new first-hand distance learning experience during the pandemic, stepping into the role of teacher is not an easy job to fulfill.  But it can be extremely rewarding, too. 

A local organization is recognizing the efforts of those who take on that role on a regular basis – substitute teachers. EduStaff provides a whole range of services for public schools and community colleges, including the “subs” for many of the schools across Kent ISD. The company is based here in the Grand Rapids area, and is one of the nation’s largest educational staffing providers.

Earlier this year, they put out a call to their employees asking them to submit short videos in a contest. In the videos, staff explain why they love their role as a substitute teacher.  The responses range from a heartfelt sense of duty to a downright hilarious laundry list of classroom language that captures a day in the life of a substitute.
Three overall winners were chosen to be featured in promotional videos and a compilation video of many of the entries was also created. The winners are Paula Pranger, Paul Spruit and Mya Fullmer.

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