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Multi Districts

Students explore many ways of worship

The four-day Interfaith Service Day Camp brought together 21 West Michigan students representing several religious and non-religious backgrounds to explore religions, get to know one another, enjoy food and culture, and volunteer...

‘This opportunity is priceless’

Students are getting a head start this summer by earning college credits. If they complete the courses with Cs or higher, they will automatically be accepted at Ferris and receive a $1,000 scholarship...

And who are we wearing tonight? Duct tape, actually

Baylee DeVos recruited her friend and Tech Center classmate junior Blake Johnson to take on a major art project: create a dress, tuxedo and accessories including shoes, a purse, corsage, boutonniere and hat completely out of duct tape...

Wyoming, EGR and TK superintendents announce retirements

Tom Reeder, superintendent of Wyoming Public Schools, and Sara Shubel, superintendent of East Grand Rapids Public Schools, announced their retirements last week, after Tom Enslen of Thornapple Kellogg announced his last month

Teachers Stock Up on Class Supplies, with Help

Wyoming's Parkview Elementary School teachers demonstrated their love for new school supplies at the Teacher Resource Store, where they left with cartloads of notebooks,...
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