The stands erupted as Sparta High School student James Towery rebounded and headed back down court during a recent Special Olympics basketball match between...
Kenowa Hills High School recently hosted for the second year a regional Special Olympics basketball tournament. Schools from Byron Center, Sparta, Forest Hills, Thornapple...
Cookies? Check. Apple crisp? Check. Camaraderie? Check. These are the ingredients that make up the fun-filled after-school cooking class for visually impaired students from...
Two students helped teacher Peggy Luebs unload three cases of bottled water from her car, each containing 40bottles she bought on special at Costco....
Dale Allers isn't related to anyone at Sparta's Ridgeview Elementary School, but he's "Grandpa Dale" to the 600-plus students who affectionately greet him every...
Ridgeview Elementary second-grader Janet De Jesus didn't have to think twice when she speedily opted for a hot pink and black backpack.
"It's pretty," Janet...
The school district has reached an agreement with Ferris State University (FSU) that will enable students to earn college credit for classes while still...
Offbeat realities have found their place in the classroom.
Ridgeview Elementary second-graders recently explored the depths of their imaginations by writing their own fairy tales,...
Marshmallows, toothpicks and masking tape may seem unlikely tools to persuade Appleview Elementary students in the direction of STEM careers, but Melissa Utter had...
The atmosphere inside the Sparta High School cafeteria crackles with excitement.
Hundreds of people fill the room wearing natty suits, fashionable tuxedos and elegant evening...