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Carol Lautenbach

Carol Lautenbach
Carol Lautenbach is a reporter and columnist for School News Network. She has been a writer since second grade when her semi-autobiographical story, "The Magic Pencil," earned her a shiny Kennedy half-dollar in a metro-Detroit contest. For three wonderful decades, Carol served Godfrey-Lee Public Schools in a variety of teaching and administrative roles. In her current work as a consultant and at SNN, she continues to be part of telling the story of the great promise of public education. Carol has also written for The Alan Review, The Rapidian and Midwest Living, and is co-author of the book, “Making Schools Work: Bringing the Science of Learning to Joyful Classroom Practice.” She loves to not cook, and she keeps her bag packed for art, outdoor and writing adventures.

Special education: fulfilling the promise of education for all

As a child learns and grows, special education support evolves and changes as well. We spoke with a local educator to learn more about those supports and how parents can best advocate for their child.

Testing, testing! How educators use assessments to help students learn

The word “test” can activate anxiety in students — and in teachers too. In the confusing world of testing, a growth mindset goes a long way to helping students and teachers see assessment more as “for” learning and less as “of” learning. 

Let’s play! And learn while we’re playing 

Does the start of school mean the end of play? No! Step into a few classrooms to see how play is a part of learning and learn more about how to support your child’s playful learning in and out of school.

Forest Hills eyes interim superintendent

The board has entered into contract negotiations with Dr. Sara Magaña Shubel and has chosen Michigan Leadership Institute for nationwide search for the next superintendent...

Positive energy as bright as spring sunshine

Three words from lead teacher Amy Goebels led Nancy Sullivan to bring her affinity for young children to life in Collins Elementary’s Great Start Readiness Program...

Working — and studying — for a living

A recent national news story about exploitation of children in West Michigan workplaces prompts new legislation and emphasizes the importance of school-issued work permits in ensuring student safety and well-being...

Alien soil grows familiar plants

Sudents in Avery Barry’s Central Middle School’s Project Lead the Way class will discover if growing food on Mars might be a promising prospect as they tend seeds planted in simulated Martian soil and compare results with seeds grown in Earth soil...